Tracy Baker


Profile photo of Tracy Baker

Tracy can help you with

  1. Is your business where you want it to be? Are you struggling to get on top of your numbers, or out from beneath a mountain of paperwork?
  2. Do you need help with a VAT return or creating a business development plan that will drive real growth? 
  3. Do you want to take away the financial stuff so you can focus on growing the business, reducing the hours you work, creating a business that will give them the life you long for?    
  4. If yours is a fledgling business that doesn’t know what it doesn’t know, or a growing and scaling enterprise, you’ll get there faster and enjoy the journey more with the right support and advice.

You need to have a chat with Tracy.

Enabling business growth with accounting and strategic support.

What’s Tracy like?

A qualified bookkeeper and born entrepreneur, Tracy believes in putting people first, sharing knowledge, speaking clearly, acting decisively and focusing on facts not drama. This and a whole bunch of other great stuff is what sets Tracy apart, and why her clients love her so much.    

Don’t take our word for it, see what Tracy's clients have to say:

You can reach Tracy at

[email protected] and on 020 8144 0471